Monday, April 5, 2010
FC apologized to victims of corporal punishment
Cologne --
The whipping scenes from Friday at Bochum on Sunday still looked after.
Cologne rioters tried to storm the block and had some huge fights with the police.
A folder suffered broken bones and internal injuries (suspected Milzriss). After he was treated in a hospital in Bochum, he could be brought to Cologne on Sunday. For the FC fans had calculated the one at the Bochum Cologne security forces brutally beaten.
He had tried to reason with the "fans" who have broken through the barriers, who reported seriously injured and had to be written now in his main job for the time being sick. The hooligans were, however, was only to violence and beatings from. FC manager Michael Meier wants to apologize to the man for the behavior of hooligans in Cologne.
"Every casualty is one too many. This may not be the whole point. Since we can not off the agenda. We do a lot, I have personally used again and again and have twice gone to Gladbach. We will not get tired to continue that, "says the manager, wants to pass the Monday with a bouquet of flowers in the folder. Meier is concerned about the increasing violence, "The dimensions are not traceable. We need to explore the root causes of violence. "
Also of interest
"Only one folder seriously injured"
Hooligans truncheons broke the sport